"The Rescue"
"The Rescue" Production: L Airdates: January 2-9, 1965 The Doctor has left Susan behind on a future Earth, recovering from Dalek...
"The Dalek Invasion of Earth"
Production: K Airdates: November 21 - December 26, 1964 The TARDIS winds up in the near future Earth that is strangely deserted. There's...
"Planet of Giants"
Production: J Airdates: October 31 - November 14, 1964 The TARDIS doors open suddenly in mid-flight causing the dimensions of the vessel...
"The Reign of Terror"
The first series of Doctor Who comes to an end and there's a lot to praise in this final story, "The Reign of Terror". But do the parts...
"The Sensorites"
The TARDIS lands on an Earth vessel trapped in orbit about the Sense Sphere. The inhabitants are hesitant about discussing the...