Episode 022: Tying it All Together - A Chat with Author Greg Cox
Recorded on Facebook Live July 1, 2018 Longtime friend of the Rift (we're talking all the way back to 1990 and the first season of the...

Episode 021: Superman The Movie's 40th Anniversary
Recorded on Facebook Live June 24, 2018 In 1978, Superman The Movie opened in theaters. It starred Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, and an...

Episode 020: Sylvester McCoy as DOCTOR WHO
Recorded on Facebook Live on June 10, 2018 In the late 80s, British fans of the television show DOCTOR WHO were dismayed to see their...

Episode 019: Netflix's LOST IN SPACE
Recorded on Facebook Live June 3, 2018 Netflix's reboot of the classic TV series has been launched with ten episodes that many say feels...

Episode 018: V: The Miniseries at 35
Recorded on Facebook Live May 6, 2018 In 1983, the NBC Network premiered the two-night event, V - the miniseries. In a time where...